
We need your help

If you know Lange well, have been a user, a journalist, have worked (or are still working) with the company, are an industry insider or just a fan standing on the sidelines, we need your input. Here are some examples of the information we're looking for...
Dates and circumstance of:

- First Dynamic skis produced under license in Broomfield
- Switch to Lange branded skis (early ones)
- Model history (dates and description) from the beginning, including Competite, "new" Comp, original Banshee, XLR, etc.
- The post 1990 years
- Colorful people (managers, reps, retailers)
- Crazy parties, odd stories
- Photos, photos and more photos...
- Etc. More questions will pop us as this site takes shape

Please, contact me with your material (in any form, as long as it's in English, French, German or Italian) and we'll put it up...

JF Lanvers, Park City, Utah

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